Attract, develop and retain talented employees

Enhance productivity, confidence and leadership

Add value, competitive advantage and mental wellness for your employees & your company

You care deeply about your employees.

You want them to feel confident, productive and valued so they can achieve their career goals, take on leadership responsibilities, and thrive in the workplace.

You know, however, that high achieving professionals often have high levels of overwhelm and stress from demanding practices

  • Stress of managing time, workload, and feeling constantly behind schedule

  • Lack of confidence in making decisions, staying organized and staying focused

  • Inability to manage failure, hear or say “no”, and process difficult conversations and emotions 

You can get support and solutions for these challenges so your employees and your business can thrive


Every person’s struggles, blocks and resistance are unique.

I work with each individual, in strict confidence, to create their own personal strategic plan for success.

Identify strengths and goals

Determine blocks (procrastination, perfectionism, people pleasing, fear of failure)

Make steps to move forward

Offer accountability, mindset shifts, and time management strategies


Flexibility to accommodate the unique preferences of your team members to receive customized online coaching on Zoom or Microsoft Teams

Start with a package of 5 sessions to optimize the benefits of coaching

Introductory Individual Sessions also available


My clients get results

We set measurable goals and markers for achievement, and track progress with check-ins and evaluations to ensure performance and impact 

Increased productivity, emotional resilience, self motivation, organization, stronger boundaries, time for self care (movement, creative self expression, nutrition), balancing work/home life, and stronger leadership skills (public speaking, own their expertise, assertiveness, self promotion, negotiation, networking, nurturing relationships)

Linda Drosdowech Coaching is your trusted coaching partner providing consistent and reliable results to elevate your team's skills and contribute to your company’s continued success.

Book a time to discuss the specific needs of your team