Take the Stage: 7 Public Speaking Strategies for Strong Leaders 

Strong leaders build their ability to take the stage by learning to define their message, know their story, structure their speeches, engage their audience, calm their fears, inspire action, and feel more confident in the spotlight. You belong on the stage. Don’t let your fears hold you back

Thought Leadership: 7 Steps to Market & Monetize Your Message

You have an audacious goal to create influence, inspire others, and be a leader in your field; to be a thought leader. We’ll mimic the development of thought leadership in the workshop by moving from micro - intimate self knowledge, to macro - understanding our potential influence, with meditation, journaling, breakout session, group discussion and future intention setting. Learn to develop, nurture, focus, share, teach, sell and deliver your unique message 

Grow Your Networking Skills to Grow Your Reach

Show up to online and in-person networking events as your authentic self: ready to speak your mind, talk about what you do, wear what makes you feel confident, and find people you actually enjoy talking to. Draw new clients and contacts into your orbit with your powerful energy - even when you feel like hiding in the corner. It’s all about being curious, asking questions, showing genuine interest in people, and following up when you get home

Decide: A Masterclass in Decision Making

Embrace the power of being a master decision maker to create momentum in your life. Whether you’re trying to decide how to price your program, if you should go back to school, or what to make for dinner, trusting yourself to make decisions creates a more impactful life. Change your default mode of confusion and procrastination to learn the skills of decision making



7 Steps to Set & Reach Your Goals

If you’ve ever had a goal you really want to achieve, yet are at a loss to get yourself to do the work to take steps to move forward, don’t despair. These 7 tools will help you achieve your goals without having to get more disciplined, controlled and restricted in your life. Get future focused, shift your mindset, get comfortable with discomfort, take action before feeling confident, make faster decisions, cultivate community, and take care of yourself first

Take Action Now: Don’t Wait to Feel Confident

You don’t have to be a confident superstar to get what you want. Learn the 7 steps to taking action, moving forward and creating amazing results - all while feeling doubt, uncertainty and imposter syndrome. It’s possible to take action before you’re ready, while feeling foolish, after you get rejected, and when you’re scared. It’s possible to succeed without being confident 

Let Your Future Self Decide

Step out of the confusion, over-thinking and overwhelm in your present life, and find answers in the future by taking a guided visualization. Access your own creativity, purpose, and wisdom, and return to the present moment armed with a new perspective and insights. Use these insights to know what decisions to make and action steps to take in your present 

Work/Life Balance: Take Care of Yourself so You Can Take Care of Business

Learn to be the best boss of YOU! Demanding careers, families and businesses provide purpose and direction in our lives, yet also create stress and overwhelm. Learning to prioritize self care and knowing the conditions we need to thrive is the foundation of achieving flow between work and life. Committing to rest, setting boundaries, practicing gratitude and celebrating our wins, while curbing people pleasing, perfectionism, and body shaming sets us up for success 



3 Step Marketing Plan Masterclass

Uncomplicate your marketing plan, and create simple, doable steps - you’ll actually take - to help you create clients, collaborations, speaking gigs and sold out programs. Focus your strategy and action steps on deepening your current relationships, meeting new people to expand your network, and using social media as a living, breathing business card

Business Mindset: Self Motivation & Inspiration

Motivating ourselves as entrepreneurs starts with knowing how our mindset - the thoughts we’re thinking - impacts our results. Learn how to set doable goals with small steps, process feelings to move forward, deal with failure as information, tackle perfectionism to stop procrastination, get comfortable feeling uncomfortable, understand how money stories impact progress, and use creativity to visualize positive outcomes 

Being In Business For Yourself: Show Up Authentically & Successfully

Disrupt the world of business and leadership by showing up as yourself. Decide how you want to dress, communicate, and serve your clients, customers and community. Practice radical self love, risk being judged, celebrate your uniqueness, invest in difference and diversity, tell the truth, and do it all imperfectly. It’s your business. You make the rules