The Pitch Mastermind is for Entrepreneurs, Business owners, Creatives, Leaders, Professionals who want to improve their pitch and pitching skills in a supportive coaching group

THE PITCH MASTERMIND: Craft & Deliver Your Irresistible Offer

May 7 - June 27, 2024

For ambitious, purpose-driven, heart-centred solopreneurs

You have an incredible service that’s going to transform the lives of the individuals who take you up on it

You have a training that will transform an organization’s work culture so their people will actually enjoy coming to work

You have a signature talk that will make your audience shift their perspectives and make positive changes in their lives

But you’re:

  • Overwhelmed with the amount of work and decisions you have to make

  • Confused about your messaging and the results you’re offering

  • Avoiding marketing and pitching for fear of being judged or rejected

  • Reworking your content and fiddling with your website instead of speaking to real people

  • Wishing you could create more opportunities to speak on stages

  • Spending all your time planning or not planning at all

  • Not making time to celebrate your successes and actually enjoy your life.

The Pitch Mastermind is for you!

We’re going to spend 8 weeks together pitching our faces off; uplifting each other as we spring forward into action.

Our focus:

  • Decision Making

  • Business Writing

  • Powerful Marketing

  • Community Building

  • Public Speaking

  • Strategic Planning

  • Self Care

    The possibilities are never-ending!

    A clear offer you’re excited to promote with messaging you’re proud you created. A willingness to reach out to contacts, organizations or companies to pitch your services as a speaker or trainer. A self care routine that focuses on adding in delights.

    You’ll leave The Pitch Mastermind with a new self concept as a person who takes charge, takes action and celebrates every step of the way.

Get grounded in decision making to achieve your goals in the Uplift Business Mastermind for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, creatives and leaders

Decision making is the cornerstone of our business, and the day to day life as an entrepreneur.

We decide on our offers, pricing, marketing strategies, apps to use, when to book meetings, what to make for lunch, whether we should have that third coffee…

No wonder we get overwhelmed, unfocused and irritable by the end of the day.

Decision fatigue is real!

The Pitch Mastermind is going to help you get decisive! You’ll understand how your old decision making habits are slowing you down, and learn how to trust yourself to make quicker choices, so you can spend less time second guessing yourself and more time taking action on your goals.

Creative Writing for Business for the Uplift Mastermind for Entrepreneurs to achieve their goals and create the life and business of their dreams

Think of the amount of time you write copy to sell your services.

Emails, social posts, pitches, advertising, proposals, articles, sales pages…

Not to mention the time we spend crafting our taglines, titles for masterminds, and how to communicate our key message in podcasts, webinars and workshops…

If you don’t love writing or aren’t confident in your ability to express yourself, it can feel like a constant drain of energy.

Writing can be actually a lot of fun and a great source of creativity if we can get better at doing “good enough” work and stop aiming for perfect.

When you join The Pitch Mastermind, you’ll get feedback on your writing, and encouragement to get the words flowing for all your pitching copy.

Trust me: you can get better at writing. It starts with being willing to tell just a little bit more of the truth, and show up as your authentic, loveable human self who loves to throw in too many exclamation points!!!

I know a lot of you are sick to death of marketing, and feeding the insatiable hunger of the social media beast.

I get it.

How frustrating is it to spend all that time writing a gorgeous post that only a handful of people read because it’s lost in algorithm purgatory.

In The Pitch Mastermind, we’re going to focus our marketing and promotion efforts on person to person connection: deepening the relationships we already have, meeting new people with curiosity, and using social media as a place to message people, and continue the conversation.

We’ll focus on marketing our services to individuals, and creating opportunities to promote our trainings and workshops to organizations and corporations.

In The Pitch Mastermind, we’re getting up close and personal, and lean into creating business with our ability to establish rapport, identify problems, offer solutions, and deliver exceptional, life changing results.

We all crave belonging, and having a group of peers that just get us - who can't wait to celebrate our wins and commiserate over our awkward failures. 

Yet as solopreneurs we spend a lot of time feeling isolated and alone.

We sometimes compensate by spending too much time in accountability groups and going for coffee with business besties to complain about how hard it is to create sales - rather than doing the uncomfortable, sometimes cringy work of doing revenue generating activities.


I think being part of a community for accountability is awesome! That’s why I created this group. It’s good for business and it’s good for you!

But I’m also going to gently nudge you away from spending too much time in FB groups, accountability groups, etc.

You need to be doing income generating work, pitching and failing, figuring out what’s working and not working, and then reporting back to the group.

You have to be taking action in order to be held accountable…this isn’t a group for complainers. The Pitch Mastermind is for action takers, movers and shakers!

I’ve had so much fun this year coaching people on public speaking skills.

I love helping people craft their message, structure, story, and practice technique, audience engagement and managing nerves.

As entrepreneurs we do well to hone our public speaking skills. I'm particularly passionate about helping women use their voice, take the mic, and stand powerfully in their purpose (even if they're quivering with nerves).

Whether it’s to have a conversation at a networking event, being interviewed for a podcast, recording videos or lives, hosting webinars or workshops, or taking the stage to deliver a keynote address, we can develop the confidence to tell our stories, speak our truth and captivate our audiences with our message while inspiring them to want to work with you.

The Pitch Mastermind will help you claim the role of expert. take the stage and create the impact, influence and clients you crave

Some of us hate to plan. We feel stifled by the rules - even if we’re the ones who create them. We rebel from making and taking steps, goals and plans - however well thought out. We may take a lot of action, but most of it’s busywork, and we struggle to move forward.

Some of us love to plan. We create graphs and charts. We get stuck at the whiteboard. We overthink, overcomplicate and over-plan. We put off taking action, and therefore also struggle to move forward.

Let’s find a middle ground that works for you.

I like a one page, simple business plan that can be used as a guidepost, but also offers flexibility, and room to change and grow.

In The Pitch Mastermind, we’re going to make goals, plans and create small actionable steps to take so we can know exactly who we’re pitching each day.

We’ll be planning for sure, but mostly doing!

The entrepreneurial journey is a marathon; not a sprint.

We need to fuel ourselves with wonderful food, great friends, delightful ideas, and movement for our bodies that energizes and nurtures.

We need to get off our phones, away from screens, and enjoy our lives.

As hard as it can be to be an entrepreneur, it’s also a blast! It’s creative, innovative, freeing and fun.

However hard you’re struggling right now, someone out there sees you as the hero you are - a risk taking, powerful, courageous bold AF business owner who refuses to accept the status quo, and has set out on an adventure to create something wonderful for the world.

In The Pitch Mastermind, you’re going to start treating yourself like the freakin’ asset you are - as a pitching genius!

The Pitch Mastermind is for Entrepreneurs, Business owners, Creatives, Leaders, Professionals who want to improve their pitch and pitching skills in a supportive coaching group

The Pitch Mastermind is 8 weeks of group coaching, strategy, writing support, community and inspiration.

You’re going to get to work! On your offer, message, marketing, networking, public speaking, planning and taking care of the ASSET - YOU!

  • 8 WEEKLY ZOOM GROUP COACHING CALLS: Starting Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:00 -11:00am CT (Calls will be recorded)

  • 8 WEEKLY ZOOM WORK SESSIONS: Starting Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 1:30-2:30 pm (As an added bonus, I’m leading a weekly work session that uses body doubling and accountability tools to support your pitching)

  • WRITING SUPPORT: For a second pair of discerning eyes on your messaging or marketing materials

  • PEER SUPPORT: Inspire each other with encouragement, risk taking, and the will to keep going

It’s going to be the best thing you’ve done for your business and for yourself. I can’t wait to get started!

The cost for The Pitch Mastermind is $700 CAD to be paid in full before the start date. (It’s a steal!) ($600 Friday Only Special Deal)

To apply to The Pitch Mastermind, click the button to set up your 30 minute consultation call to ask questions, get answers, get invoiced, and get started!